Arms Control Symposium and Dayton Agreement 25th Anniversary Celebration

On June 15, 2020, Péter Tálas, Director of ISDS gave a presentation at the Arms Control Symposium and Dayton Agreement 25th Anniversary Celebration online event. The event was organised by the RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation in Croatia in cooperation with the signatory countries of the Sub-Regional Arms Control Treaty (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia) and the Federal Republic of Germany. On the first day of the event, experts discussed the history and development of the Dayton Convention, while the discussion on the second day focused on the problems and challenges of arms control today. The online event featured presentations by experts from the post-Yugoslav region and from organisations and institutions working on disarmament and arms control. Péter Tálas highlighted the changing nature and the challenges of the international arms control regime in his presentation.