ISDS researchers about the security status of the North Korean regime

On February 7, 2023, the research fellows of the Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies (ISDS) participated in the workshop at the Modern East Asia Research Centre of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University, the topic of the event was the security situation of the North Korean regime. During the one and a half hour scholarly discussion, institute director Dr. Péter Tálas and senior research fellow Dr. Mózes Csoma highlighted the fact that over the past year the Pyongyang regime has carried out a record number of missile tests, which became a high level security threat in the Northeast Asian region. Moreover, during the Russian-Ukrainian war, the North Korean regime became more valuable for the Russian decision-makers, so the international scope of the regime increased greatly during the past period. As it was mentioned, China and Russia also joined to the international punitive measures against the East Asian country in 2017, therefore, the decision-makers in Pyongyang had to face an unprecedented amount of sanctions. However, this isolated situation began to change over the past year, as North Korea, along with Belarus and Syria and some other dictatorial state, became the only country that fully supported the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The workshop was moderated by Dr. Zsolt Szilágyi, a member of the Modern East Asia Research Centre.

The video of the event is available, here.